As a result of the change, I'm looking down the barrel of two moves: job and house, more or less simultaneously. I finish at Job #1 on May 7th, we close on our house May 9th, and I start at Job #2 May 14th. I'm a frothing madman, you see.
I started cleaning out my desk yesterday, and came across a stack of slips of paper, most of them Get Fuzzy Page-a-Day pages, with notes scrawled on them. Old to-do lists, many of them, but also some Fred-cultural artifacts scrawled on lunch breaks and end-of-the-day flights of fancy. I present to you here two that I found of interest.
Legend of Zelda Games
chronologically, and indicating (X) if I have ever completed them:
chronologically, and indicating (X) if I have ever completed them:
- The Legend of Zelda X
- Adventure of Link X
- Link to the Past X
- Link's Awakening X
- Ocarina of Time
- Majora's Mask
- Oracle of Ages
- Oracle of Seasons
- Wind Waker X
- Four Swords Adventures X
- Minish Cap X
- Twilight Princess (X, more recent than list)
- Phantom Hourglass
Awesome Rolling Stones songs
(* indicates songs I was newly, especially fond of as of early 2005)
(* indicates songs I was newly, especially fond of as of early 2005)
- Moonlight Mile
- Happy
- Let It Loose *
- Paint It Black
- She's a Rainbow
- You Can't Always Get What You Want
- 19th Nervous Breakdown
- Can't You Hear Me Knocking *
- Monkey Man
- Wild Horses
- Bitch *
- Beast of Burden
- Ruby Tuesday
- Rocks Off *
- Sympathy for the Devil
- Ventilator Blues
- Angie
- I Don't Know Why *
- Loving Cup
- Tumbling Dice
- Gimme Shelter
Hey, reminder, Neutrino happens tonight. Please do come. I certainly didn't expect April to be the month where it actually snowed while we were filming but then, sometimes our expectations are dashed and covered with a half an inch of snow.
1 comment:
I work 5 min from Downtown. When you're settled in, we should do lunch.
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